Call us: 0141 416 2222
Mon - Sat 9AM-5PM Sunday closed
1 Eagle Street, Glasgow, G4 9XA

Insurance for you

ZakandCo - Property Consultant / Services / Insurance for you

We are working in partnership with well known Insurance Broker who are FSA Regulated and they are very competitive and very professional working with all the major insurances.

The Services they offer are Commercial/Business Insurance, Healthcare, Home and Motor Insurance. They do not offer services such as life insurance or mortgages.

They provide a service to the clients that is focused on their insurance needs with their staffs there to guide you through the plethora of companies and policies and define the specification that you need. Thereafter they approach the different Insurance companies and have a policy drawn up to your needs.

You can then relax and know that you are safe in hands.

Please get in touch with us for more information.